Clubs & Activities

Roosevelt High School offers a number of Athletics, Clubs, Music Activities, and Events for all students. For more information contact a staff member listed below.

Roosevelt High School offers a number of Athletics. For more information contact the Athletics Department.

Amnesty International

Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 10 million people in over 150 countries and territories who campaign to end abuses of human rights.

GradesSponsorMeeting Frequency
9-12Mr. PurduOnce a month on Tuesdays at 3:00pm

Art Club

Participation in Art Club provides student artists with an opportunity to share their common interests, showcase their talent and improve their techniques. We create, talk and share ideas.

GradesSponsorMeeting Frequency
9-12Mrs. StilesWeekly on Thursday at 3:00pm

Book Club

Exploring excellent literature is what brings book club members together every month. Books are chosen for their ability to stimulate intelligent discussion with selections ranging from bestsellers to translated works. Members may keep books free of charge if they participate in the Book Club fundraising events.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Mr. Baker and Mr. KeastApproximately every six weeks at 3:00pmLibrary Media Center (LMC)

Computer Science Club

The Computer Science Club aims to give students the opportunity to learn computer skills. Students will learn many computer skills related to coding, networking and data forensics. Students also learn to be safe online and practice good internet etiquette.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Mr. HindererMondays at 3:00pmB144

Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)

The main purpose of DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) is to strengthen members' marketing, social and civic skills. Constructing and entering projects into competition is a major part of the organization. RHS DECA students have won regional, state and national competitions. DECA is the backbone of the marketing program and is a great organization to learn marketing, managing and entrepreneurial skills.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
10-12Mrs. Cumiskey and Mrs. JenkinsA112 and C111

eXtreme! Science Club

eXtreme! is a science club dedicated to making science more fun and to offer learning opportunities that go beyond the classroom. Club members participate in the Green School Initiative, Friends of the Rouge, planetarium shows, environmental testing, FFA competitions and field trips. Members have the opportunity to participate in the Science Olympiad. Students in eXtreme! can look forward to a school year full of exciting new discoveries!

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Mrs. Weller and Mr. WellerB216 and B112

Future Farmers of America (FFA)

FFA is the Business/Leadership of Agri-Science/Horticulture. FFA prides itself as a local, state and national organization specifically established by an act of the Federal Government. Students in Agri-Science or Horticulture apply classroom lessons to real-world situations. Students attend conferences and compete on both regional and state levels.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
10-12Mrs. FerrisB135

Figure Skating

Figure Skating is a challenging competitive sport. The group is preparing for another year of competition and has traveled as far as Traverse City to compete. Students must be enrolled in a community figure skating club and have current standing with the USFSA. See the coach for qualifications. Meetings include planning for competitions and fundraisers. Students are eligible for a Varsity Letter.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Ms. Rostkowski

Gamers Club 

This club is for students who are interested in video games. Students meet weekly and bring their favorite games and game systems.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Mrs. Clarkson and Ms. KirkwoodWeekly on Tuesday from 3:00-4:00pmA178


Geoaddicts is an international travel club. Each spring break, we travel with a group of Roosevelt students to a destination around the world. Parents are welcome to join too! We use Worldstrides as our travel company which is well known for its spectacular educational travel experiences. Students walk away with a perspective of various cultures that change their view of the world.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
12Mrs. Soules and Mr. SoulesOnce a month on Thursday at 7:00pmZoom or in person in A214

Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA)

A group of people who create unity and inclusivity for the LGBTQ Community and more.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Mrs. LomasEvery other Monday at 3:00pmLibrary Media Center (LMC) Mezzanine

Key Club

The Key Club is the world’s largest high school service organization. Its members are respected for their commitment and contributions to community projects. Members usually meet afterschool at RHS. They attend the State Convention and enjoy competition with Key Club students from other communities. RHS Key Club members have a rich tradition of being elected to district/state offices. Activities consist of many special projects and are always centered on helping others. The Key Club is planning to implement many exciting ideas for this school year. You are welcome to join us to learn a new hobby or share your talent with others.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Mr. KrajewskiTwice a month on Thursday at 3:00pmA344

National Art Honor Society (NAHS)

NAHS is an art service club. Our mission is to bring art into the school building and into the community. There are time, GPA requirements, and a $5.00 fee to join.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
11-12Mrs. StilesSecond Thursday of each month at 3:00pmC127

National Honor Society

Juniors and Seniors who have earned a 3.5 GPA or above are invited to apply for membership into the National Honor Society in February of each school year. Membership is determined by a RHS faculty council and is based on the national standards of scholarship, leadership, character and community service. Students who meet the qualifications are inducted into NHS at a formal ceremony in March. The National Honor Society provides tutoring to elementary students and mentoring for the freshmen class. They sponsor an annual canned food drive to support our community and are called upon to serve as guides/support for various school functions. National Honor Society students proudly wear a white stole at commencement to signify their achievement. Students must participate in 24 hours of community service.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
11-12Mrs. McCabe and Mr. TrusewiczThird Tuesday of every month at 3:00pmLibrary Media Center (LMC) Mezzanine

Poetry Out Loud

We participate in the national Poetry Out Loud competition. Eerie year we send our school winner to the state finals in Lansing. The club has previously won a state championship.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Mr. Baker and Mr. Keast Initial meeting late OctoberA241 or A242

Quiz Bowl

The Quiz Bowl patterns itself after Jeopardy. Students who participate in Quiz Bowl are typically very knowledgeable about a variety of subjects and love competition. The team consists of students in grades 9-12. Quiz Bowl is an academic competition in the Mega League. Students are eligible for a Varsity letter.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Mr. CurtissWeekly on Tuesdays at 3:00pmB212

Teen Task Force/RHS Motivational Mondays

Students are welcome to bring their lunches. Teen Task Force works to create and maintain a positive culture in which every student at RHS knows they belong. Everyone Matters! Come join us on Mondays for therapy dogs and Wednesday for fun games with great people!

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Mrs. SutkaEvery Monday and Wednesday during all lunchesLibrary Media Center (LMC)


As a team, you will design, build and program a robot to compete in tournaments versus other schools in Michigan.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Mark DavisMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday and sometimes Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Competitions and more time as needed.B144

Roosevelt Theatre Company

Roosevelt Theatre Company is the high school drama club. Our mission is to provide a creative outlet for artistic development and expression through diverse learning opportunities and equal experience with a priority for education among all students involved.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Katie PierceallMonday-Friday excluding Tuesday at 3:15pmAuditorium

Science Club

The Science Club is the place for students who are interested in science to learn about all scopes of science and the environment. We discuss how to use this conceptual basis for applications in the real world. Trips are taken to museums, planetariums and state parks. Our activities include: field trips, participation in the Rouge Educational Project, Green School Projects, Community Planetarium Event and trying cool science experiments for discovery.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Mrs. WellerEvery Thursday at 3:00pmPlanetarium 

Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad is a regional, state and national science competition in which school-based teams of students compete in 23 events across various science fields. Throughout the year, team members meet regularly to choose and prepare for these events. The events range from the application of science knowledge; laboratory and problem solving skills; and the design and building of various devices and structures. The Science Olympiad program is a wonderful opportunity to involve students in all disciplines of science and continue their learning well beyond that of the classroom.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Mr. WellerMeets: 1-2 times a month on Tuesday at 3:00pmB112

Student Council

Students are elected each spring by their classmates to represent their class. The Student Council serves as a voice of the students through leadership in the building and throughout the city of Wyandotte. Student Council members attend Downriver League conferences to develop relationships with students from other schools. Activities include raising money for a charity during Winter Spirit Week and hosting an annual blood drive.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Mrs. McCabe and Mrs. PowersOnce a month on Thursday at 3:00pmA318 or A324

Tri-M National Music Honor Society

This is a group open to any music student. It is a service oriented group to promote community in our music program and promote the music program in the community.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
9-12Mr. D’AngeloBi-monthly or more on Friday at 3:00pmC137

World as a Community (WAAC)

The World as a Community is a domestic exchange program that lets students experience the culture of fellow WAAC students across the country. WAAC meets as a club to discuss/organize their exchange and participate in fundraising activities. An exchange involves a student traveling to a host city for four days, staying with a host sibling and attending school with them for a day. During the stay, the student will experience their host’s culture through touring their city’s school, landmarks and museums. The students from the host school will then travel to Wyandotte and we will show them the same hospitality. WAAC has been a Roosevelt tradition for many years and former teachers and distinguished graduates have been impacted in a positive way from their WAAC exchange experience.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
12Mrs. SoulesWhen necessary at 3:00pm

WTV Video Production

The Video Production group works hard to explore storytelling through the visual art of moviemaking. Video Production is an elective class that can be pursued for multiple years and increasing difficulty. During the course of the year, the members of Video Production learn about many aspects of the art of movie making including editing, cinematography, sound design, lighting and more. Students involved in Video Production are creative, inspired and have a desire to understand filmmaking from a director’s perspective.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
10-12Mrs. Haddad


The WY-News staffers are filled with ambition and excitement as they gather news about on-going events and students’ opinions. WY-News is an elective class, but the instructor’s permission is required to enroll. During the course of the semester, students discuss current news and learn about writing, photography, photo printing, desktop publishing, digital photo manipulation and electronic publishing. The goal of the WY-News staff is to cover stories including student activities, issues and concerns. The WY-News publication is professional and cutting edge.

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
10-12Mrs. Haddad


The Yearbook staff works hard to preserve the spirit of the school year for future generations. Yearbook is an elective class but the instructor’s permission is required to enroll. During the course of the year, the members of the yearbook team learn about production and retail responsibilities. Students involved in yearbook are creative, well organized and always willing to "go the extra mile.”

GradesSponsorMeeting FrequencyRoom
10-12Mrs. Haddad

Students are eligible for a Varsity letter in the following activities. Contact Students are eligible for a Varsity letter in the following activities. Contact Mr. Hymer in C134.

Chorus (Grades 9-12)

The RHS Chorus is the first level in the Vocal Music Department. The class provides basic music skills that serve as a foundation for higher-level classes. Students perform in the District Vocal Concert, the Christmas programs and Mayfest.

A Cappella (Grades 10-12)

The A Capella Choir is the school’s premier vocal performance group. While at conferences and through competition, they challenge themselves to reach high levels of proficiency. In June2002, the choir toured Germany and performed concerts in cathedrals and other public venues. In May 2005, the choir sang at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. In July 2006, the choir appeared in Australia at the Sydney Opera House. Acceptance into A Cappella choir is by audition.

RoVaSi (Grades 10-12)

The Roosevelt Variety Singers is an elite group of select students that perform in a cabaret style. They perform both in and outside the community to “rave reviews” as well as in competition. Acceptance into RoVaSi is by audition.

Students are eligible for a Varsity letter in the following activities. Contact Mr. D’Angelo in C137.

Marching Band (Grades 9-12)

The Marching Band is the most visible part of the school’s instrumental music program. Students attend band camp in August where they work on drill/instrumentation. Marching Band runs from band camp in August through the Christmas parade season. Students learn teamwork, leadership, musical and life skills through their performance and competition schedule.

Concert Band (Grades 9-12)

The Concert Band is the first level in the Instrumental Music Department. This class helps students gain the fundamental knowledge and skill to move on to higher levels of music. Students gain valuable experience through performance and competition at the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association (MSBOA) Festival.

Symphony Band (Grades 10-12)

The Symphony Band is a challenging class with talented students who are determined and disciplined. Students strive to reach high levels of performance in competition at the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association (MSBOA) Festival. Acceptance into Symphony Band is by audition.

Orchestra (Grades 10-12)

The Orchestra consists solely of string instruments. The music requires discipline and talent. Students look forward to increasing their level of proficiency in performances and competition at Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association (MSBOA).

Jazz Ensemble (Grades 10-12)

The purpose of the Jazz Ensemble is to study jazz music as an American art form and take it to the next level through creative performance. Every year, the Jazz Ensemble is invited to appear in the community. They challenge themselves to meet every performance and competition with professionalism. Acceptance into Jazz Ensemble is by audition.


  • Homecoming
  • Band Sweetheart
  • Winter
  • Prom

Instrument Music

  • Marching Band Festival
  • Winter and Spring Concerts
  • Downriver Fanfare


  • Academic Awards Ceremony
  • National Honor Society Induction
  • Top Ten
  • Senior Recognition Day
  • Honors Night
  • Commencement


  • Fall Drama or Comedy Production
  • Spring Musical

Vocal Music

  • Christmas Concert
  • Mayfest