Grades 6-8

Grades 6-8 Enrollment

Wyandotte Public Schools has one Middle School that houses 6th, 7th and 8th Grades. Wilson Middle School offers core classes along with a number of elective courses designed to enrich our students academic experience. Extracurricular activities are also a highlight of the WMS culture as there are a number of clubs, sports and events offered for all grade levels.


Registration for new residents is in person at the Wyandotte Board of Education, 639 Oak Street, Wyandotte, MI 48192. Please contact Enrollment at or 734-759-6014 for available times.

Required Documentation

The following documentation is required during the enrollment process. 

  • Student Birth Certificate - registrant MUST be listed on birth certificate or alternate legal documentation must be provided
  • Student Immunization Record - alternatively, a current Immunization Waiver through the Wayne County Health Department
  • Individualized Education Plan (IEP) - if applicable
  • 3 Proofs of Residency Including:
    1. Parent/Guardian License or State ID with current address
    2. Mortgage, Tax or Lease documentation showing ownership or rental (if these cannot be provided, a Residency Affidavit will have to be complete at the Board of Education)
    3. Additional proof of address dated within 30 days – see enrollment documentation for acceptable

Have Questions?

Please contact us at or 734-759-6014 for more information.