Strategic Plan

District Mission

Collaborating and inspiring to educate, engage, and empower all.


A diverse, equitable, and inclusive community that develops resilient, innovative, and engaged individuals.

Belief Statements

Every student has a right to an equitable education.

We believe everyone deserves safe, nurturing, and inclusive environments.

We believe success is diverse and achieved through community support and collaboration.

Goal Areas

Academic Improve student achievement by supporting education from early childhood to career that meets each child’s unique needs, passions, and career goals.
Communications Increase opportunities for staff, student, parent and community partnerships through transparency, engagement and accountability.
Learning Environment and Culture Implement a framework for tiered behavior supports.
Operations Develop consistent, district-wide procedures to support board policies and educational best practices.
Personnel and Leadership Attract and retain qualified, diverse personnel by creating an environment where everyone feels welcome, safe, valued, and supported.