Section 504 Plans
A 504 Plan is put in place to accommodate a student with a disability and give them equal access to the general education curriculum. This includes the accommodations the student will receive (such as audiobooks, note-taking aids, or extended time to complete tests). The video below, provided by the Michigan Alliance for Families, provides in-depth information on Section 504 Plans.
District 504 Coordinator
For questions about the 504 process or to file a complaint contact:
George Purdu
Director of Media Services
540 Eureka St.
Wyandotte, MI 48192
Phone: 734-759-5071
504 Plan Process
For more information on the 504 process, please refer to the District's procedural document.
504 Eligibility
To learn more about Section 504 eligibility, please refer to the Michigan Alliance of Families website. If a parent believes their your child may benefit from a 504 Plan, a request must be submitted to the child's school using the Section 504 Sample Letter provided by the Michigan Alliance of Families.